Imagine a ‘magic bullet’ that would enable you to lose weight where any number of faddy diets had previously failed. A bullet that could ‘reset’ your immune system and reverse the symptoms of numerous age- and lifestyle-related health conditions including arthritis, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A bullet that could improve mental clarity, encourage your body’s cells to regenerate, and even slow down the ageing process.
Believe it or not, that magic bullet exists. It is available to nearly all of us, and it is totally free. That bullet is called fasting.
Petronella Ravenshear used to maintain her slim physique and the energy she needed for her PR job by eating only once or twice a day. Before the term had gained traction in wellbeing circles, Petronella – now a renowned nutritionist – was practising intermittent fasting. ‘It just suited me,’ she says. ‘At that time, in 2000, when I trained in nutritional therapy, the advice was to eat five times a day. So I made myself eat breakfast and had snacks between meals. But the more I ate, the hungrier I felt. Sure enough, I put on weight.’
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