Yes. It’s for every adult human being (18 years or older) with the exception of athletes, pregnant or nursing mothers or those undergoing IVF treatment. Anyone with a medical condition is advised to check with their doctor before embarking on the programme. It’s never too late/you’re never too old to start.
Always work with your primary healthcare provider when changing your diet and follow their advice re medication.
No, it’s personal choice.
Many people take up HBD as a healthy way to lose weight. But the benefit of eating 3 meals a day of real and nutrient dense food run much deeper than weight loss. Weight loss occurs on the programme as a side-effect of reduced inflammation, lower insulin levels and rebalanced blood sugar. Participants report improvements to skin and digestion, reduced joint pain, increased energy and quality of sleep, hormonal harmony and a happier, healthier relationship with food.
No. Avoid eating or drinking anything that’s not included in the food lists in The Human Being Diet second edition (other than at treat meals) until Phase 4. Keep referring back to the food lists and download the kindle version on your phone for when you’re food shopping.
Yes. Subscribe to the YouTube channel where you can find a selection of lives and shorts https://www.youtube.com/@petronellathehumanbeingdiet If you are on Instagram you can join the lives, where you can ask questions and meet fellow HBDers, on Tuesdays at 6.30 UK time/1.30 Eastern
Right here! Events, announcements and future Instagram lives will be posted on the website.
Yes, it is suitable for vegans, vegetarians and omnivores.
No, it’s not suitable for fruitarians.
Yes. Capsules or tablets (not gummies) are fine, as are fish oil and/or omega 6 supplements, all/any of which can be taken in all phases. Avoid liquid or powdered supplements unless they are unflavoured and unsweetened.
It’s a take on the Mediterranean diet with less fruit and more vegetables. HBD encompasses 3 meals a day of minimally processed and wholesome food that can be found in your local grocery store - no meal replacements, bars or shakes. There are 10 rules and 4 phases of the programme over 3 months which leads into a new lifestyle for life.
It is not unusual for cholesterol to rise temporarily as fat stores are broken down. Constipation may be another transient problem due to dietary changes. Read more in the book.
Read the book, The Human Being Diet second edition, and read it again! So that you understand the rules and the rationale. The better you understand it the better your results will be. Reread The Mindset and Your ‘Whys’ chapter again before you start, to help you prepare.
Yes. You can find us on the Instagram lives @petronellaravenshear it’s a great place for meeting fellow HBDers (see above).